Public Participation in Council Meetings

Ordinary Council Meetings are open to the public. Anyone wishing items to be presented/ discussed at Council should lodge these in writing to the CEO two weeks prior to the meeting to be considered for inclusion in the Agenda.

The public can participate in and contribute to the decision-making process with Council in the following ways:

Public Question Time

At each Council meeting, 15 minutes is made available for Public Question Time.

Questions must be provided on the online form prior to the commencement of the meeting.

Alternatively, print your public question time form for submission.

Deputations and Submissions

Deputations and submissions give you the opportunity to express your views, or the view of a group of people or organisation, on an item or proposal that is listed on the agenda. To make a deputation or submission, a formal request must be made in writing to the CEO or President.  The deadline for the deputation or submission is seven days prior to the Council meeting.


Petitions are formal written requests of Council, signed by more than 4 people. When received, it will be arranged for the petition to be presented to Council.

Need more information?

Contact Council's Executive Support Officer by telephoning (08) 9651 0000 or emailing

*Due to COVID-19 restrictions, amendments to the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 were passed by Western Australian Parliament on 25 March 2020 and came into effect on 26 March 2020. The amendments mean local governments can hold electronic Council and Committee meetings during a public health emergency, and the public can be requested to submit their questions and statements prior to the meeting.